Sunday, October 21, 2007

Others Speak Up

From: Cathy Chadwick Ciccone
            Lenape Educator/Artisan
            Director of Education
            Museum of Indian Culture
            Allentown, PA.

My Path too, is before me. It is my solemn wish to be of service, and now a serious situation has presented itself, which I feel the need to make you aware of. Our teachings tell us it is not necessary to ask for anything....that the Creator knows our heart and mind, even our thoughts, before we think them. I Believe this to be true.

I am thankful for advise of the many wise and good People I have the privilege to call Friend.I finally realize an unselfish request allows others the choice to be of service, and so, becomes both a blessing and an asset to my own purpose.

It is through this Realization that I feel compelled to share this with you. A very good friend of mine, traditional Oneida, Danielle Schenandoah, has recently suffered yet another serious setback. To learn of their 15 year struggle and how they have been dis-enfranchised by their own nation for Speaking the Truth, please see:

Danielle was the first Native Woman, along with her then 10 year old daughter Jolene, to speak at the United Nations, addressing violations of Indigenous Peoples Rights,including Crimes Against Humanity. She is world-renown, highly respected, yet very humble and financially, poor.

Because Danielle and many of the Schenandoah family have been cut off by the corrupt Recognized Oneida Nation and their illegal multi-million dollar entity, Turning Stone Casino, (which employs only 1% native people) they receive no benefits or health-care and are slandered and labeled dissidents and criminals for crimes they did not commit.

It is a little known fact, the federal government often puts Native People of their choice who they feel they can control, in charge of Indian nations. All too often, these leaders do not have their People's interest at heart. This is against the very definition of Sovereignty, Our Traditions, and The Great Law. (Traditionally, Indians leaders and council's sole purpose is to serve their People.) More and more frequently, the lure of money turns these government-appointed puppets into dictators, as is the case with Ray Halbritter, government named, "Oneida Nation Leader for Life." That is akin to 'appointing', not 'electing' a United States President, granting them supreme, un-contested power, until they die! Yet, this very same federal government makes laws which rule they cannot interfere with sovereign nations, even when their appointed "Indian Officials" commit Crimes Against Humanity!

I know many of you will find this appalling at best, perhaps even unbelievable, but it is all true. The information is out there and legally documented as a matter of public record, if you know where to look. The government is hoping that you will not. The media is controlled, therefore very little of this information comes through to mainstream society. Our main means of apportion is the internet and word of mouth.

So: where is all this leading to? Danielle's 14 year old daughter, Clarisse, had a severe car accident in August, and we are grateful she is alive. Danielle must devote most of her time to Clarisse, (who requires total care) so is unable to work. This places a great burden on her other two children. She is an expert beadworker, and tries to sell her art, but without internet access or a working vehicle, this is near impossible. There is a dead-beat dad who has never supported his children, and when employed by the corrupt Oneida Nation, hid behind sovereignty, thereby immune from child-support laws. Sovereignty was never meant to be used in this way, against it's own people for the illicit benefit of the privileged, chosen few!!!

I am asking for help. Not for myself, but for Danielle, and her 3 children, Clarisse, Preston, and Jolene Schenandoah. They live in near-poverty, right here in our own backyard, in NY. If everyone who reads this could give even $1.00, then forward this to everyone they know, together, we can make a tremendous difference to a woman who has dedicated much of her life to her People, yet whose own family has suffered so much.

Of course, we believe in the power of prayer, and are continuously thankful and trust your prayers will continue. Creator gave each one of us a Good Mind, which we use to make wise choices. And so, using The Good Mind, I now take counsel of my many Good Friends and Family of Choice. Those who know me, know I do not do this lightly...I am asking for help. Please give what you can, and tell all you know.

Wanishi, Thank you,

Alanq'tindeyochqueu, Cathy Starfire Woman.

Enta awen keku luwet, pahkanchixtu welameweokan.
"Whenever a promise is made, it must always be kept."